
Vulnerable - Secondhand Serenade

Share with me the blankets that your wrapped in
because its cold outside cold outside its cold outside
share with me the secrets that you kept in
because its cold inside cold inside its cold inside

and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that your scared like me so
let's pretend we're alone
and I know you may be scared
and I know were unprepared
but I don't care

tell me tell me
what makes you think that you are invincible
I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure
please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable

I was born to tell you I love you
isn't that a song already
I get a B in originality
and it's true I cant go on without you
your smile makes me see clearer
if you could only see in the mirror what I see

and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that your scared like me so
let's pretend we're alone
and I know you may be scared
and I know were unprepared
but I don't care

tell me tell me
what makes you think that you are invincible
I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure
please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable

slow down girl your not going anywhere
just wait around and see
maybe I am much more you never no what lies ahead
I promise I can be anyone I can be anything
just because you were hurt doesn't mean you shouldn't bleed
I can be anyone anything I promise I can be what you need

tell me tell me
what makes you think that you are invincible
I can see it in your eyes that your so sure
please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable

More lyrics:
All about Secondhand Serenade:


"Ga ada mood buat makan". Heran ya makan aja pake mood. Please begete -_-
Tapi ini beneran. Tadi nyoba makan. Alhasil perut mual dan semua yang dimakan juga ga ada rasa. Hambar. Yap. Seperti mood ku saat ini. Sangat flat dan..............hambar. Thankyou so much mood destroyer karena sudah berhasil membuat mood ku hancur seketika. Puaskah Anda merusak mood ku hari ini? Makasih yaaa. M-A-K-A-S-I-H. Makasih.

*read: not supposed to be read (⌣́_⌣̀)



Post kali ini tentang "fani". Cerita ini tanpa karangan sama sekali karena ini apa adanya dan terjadi padaku -_-

Dia datang dan mutusin aku tiba-tiba, tanpa alasan yang jelas. Aku bingung, shock, terdiam. "Apa salahku?!!!" batinku berteriak. Mau banget rasanya nangis, tapi entah kenapa gak bisa. Tak lama setelah dia bilang putus, dia berlalu dari hadapanku seolah mengejar sesuatu. Aku pergi menyusulnya, belum hilang rasa sakit ini setelah diputusin, hatiku tambah tersayat ketika melihatnya sudah berdua dengan perempuan lain, perempuan yang ku kenal, yang tak lain adalah sahabatku sendiri. Wajahnya memerah begitu melihatku memergoki mereka berdua. Entah kenapa, badanku lemas, ingin pingsan ditempat rasanya. Dan lelaki yang baru saja menjadi mantanku itu hanya tersenyum kepadaku, tapi senyuman ini sungguh berbeda. Senyum yang seolah berkata "aku puas".
Aku bingung kenapa aku tak dapat berbuat apa-apa, sungguh bodohnya diriku saat itu karena hanya berdiam diri. Tak lama, handphone ku bergetar. Dan ternyata itu dari sahabatku. Isinya sedikit lupa -_- tapi kira-kira ya gini : "aku udah sama yang baru. sahabat kamu ini, iya dia pacarku. maaf." Kayaknya itu dari fani. Tapi ga ngerti juga .
Guess what? Aku masih disana melongo melihat mereka berdua. Bodoh ya. Banget.
Mereka bercanda, dan hanya berdua. Aku lihat lebih seksama lelaki yang bersama sahabatku itu. Rasanya itu tak mungkin dia. Dia yang tak pernah mengalihkan pandangannya terhadapku. Kenapa dia tega mutusin aku gitu aja dan malah berdua sama perempuan lain? Sakit banget rasanya, terlebih lagi perempuan itu adalah sahabatku sendiri. Padahal biasanya aku yang minta putus dan pasti dia ga mau. Tapi kok malah begini jadinya. Itu tak mungkin dia. Tapi apa daya. Itu memang dia.
Amarahku tak kunjung bergejolak namun hati ini ingin meledak rasanya. Saat hati ini sudah tak sanggup membendung semua kejadian menyakitkan itu, mataku turut bereaksi dan mulai mengeluarkan butiran-butiran jeritan hati *hadeh. Namun, tiba-tiba aku melihat sudah ada bunda tidur disampingku. Guys, ternyata itu hanyalah mimpi -_- HAHAHA .
Aku lega dan tersenyum. haha. Entah kenapa, jadi kangen banget sama fani. Jadi langsung sms deh. HEHEHE. Love you fani! Love ya so much! Hahaha :)


Go Radio - Goodnight Moon

And don't go to bed yet, love,
I think it's early,
And we just need a little time to ourselves.

If my wall clock tells me that it's four
In the morning,
I'll give it hell.

'Cause I've been trying way too long,
To try to be the perfect song,
When our hearts are heavy burdens,
We shouldn't have to bear alone.

So goodnight moon,
And goodnight you,
When you're all that I think about.
All that I dream about.
How'd I ever breathe without...

A goodnight kiss
From goodnight you,
The kind of hope they all talk about.
The kind of feeling we sing about.
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud,
Like a passage from goodnight moon...

And sing for me softly, love,
Your song for tomorrow
And tell me my name's the one sitting in there somewhere

And dream for me anything, but dream
It in color about
When all the sun's still rising and we don't care

And I've been trying way too long,
To try and be the perfect song,
When our hearts are heavy burdens,
We shouldn't have to bear alone.

So goodnight you,
And goodnight moon,
When you're all that I think about.
All that I dream about.
How'd I ever breathe without...

A goodnight kiss
From goodnight you,
The kind of hope they all talk about.
The kind of feeling we sing about.
Sit in our bedrooms and read aloud,
Like a passage from goodnight moon...

Then here you were,

And I saw my Juliet come graceful down the stairs.
It's hard to miss,
The way her eyes light up the room,
And still the air.

Just feel her lips,
Lock on to every breath I take;
Can't breath it in.

Do you feel us falling?

'Cause I feel us falling...

So goodnight moon,
And goodnight you,
And you're all that I think about.
All that I dream about.
How'd I ever breathe without...

A goodnight kiss
From goodnight you,
The kind of hope they all talk about.
The kind of feeling we sing about.
Sit in our bedrooms and read aloud,
Like a passage from goodnight moon...

Oh, from goodnight moon....

Then here you were,
And I saw my Juliet come graceful down the stairs.
It's hard to miss,
The way her eyes light up the room,
And still the air.

Do you feel us falling?
'Cause I feel us falling...

Do you feel us falling?
'Cause I feel us falling...

Do you feel us falling?
'Cause I feel us falling...

Do you feel us falling?
'Cause I feel us falling...
Do you feel us falling?
'Cause I feel us falling...

Do you feel us falling?
'Cause I feel us falling...

Do you feel us falling?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...

[- From : -] 

It's About Play

If you ask me about my drama in my class, of course I will gladly to tell about it. Although it is not that awesome, but I think it is good enough.
But on the other hand, I am very lazy when hearing the drama of 'this' another class. It is not caused of their result. I bet that they've got the maximum point as well as their performance. But it is different. Huaaaaaa. Eventhough it is not important, really. But......ahhh it is so hard to tell and hard to understand.
Forget it. I hate you lah~
good night moon good night you ._.

Let's spamming!

Let's spamming!!!  ƪ(ˇ▼ˇ)¬  ƪ(ˇ▼ˇ)¬  ƪ(ˇ▼ˇ)¬
heheh (˘  ˘) (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩) 
hihihi (•̯͡.•̯͡) 
yuhuu (˘▼˘ʃƪ) 
ciluuuk (ʃ⌣ƪ) baaa \(´▽`)/
yipppeyy ๑'⌣'๑ 
uuu (っ˘з˘)っ
hehehe ~(˘▾˘~) ~(˘▾˘)~ (~˘▾˘)~
hmmm ( ื▿ ืʃƪ)
yeaaayy °\(^▿^)/°
mihihi Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ 
Alhamdulillah (ˇ▽ˇ)


If I could only twist the time

Wanna tell about someone. But...I'm too shy ._.
So, I just can write this letter for that someone.


For you in somewhere else,
I just want to say sorry, I mean really sorry. I enjoyed all the time that we had spent together. I never knew that I would get you lost. I didn't mean to hurt you. Never. I thought that you just assumed me as your bestfriend. But I was wrong. And stupid silly me, I was letting you go away. I knew that I was very selfish at that time. No wonder you're in an uproar. But now I regret it. Really. So please, forgive me...

If I could only twist the time


Skandar Keynes





Cowo pemilik nama lengkap Skandar Amin Casper Keynes ini lahir di London pada tanggal 5 September 1991. Nama orang tua Skandar adalah Randal Keynes dan Zelfa Cecil Hourani dan ia mempunyai saudara perempuan yang bernama Soumaya yang lebih tua 2 tahun darinya. Menurut keturunan ayahnya, Skandar masih menjadi cucu-cucu dari Charles Darwin.



Cita-cita Skandar adalah menjadi dokter. Itulah kenapa dia ngefans banget dengan serial teve Grey’s Anatomy. Setelah bermain di dua film Narnia, The Lion The Witch and The Wadrobe dan The Prince of Caspian, Skandar merasa memiliki 2 dunia yang berbeda. Saat syuting atau promosi film, Skandar menjadi pusat perhatian, tetapi ketika itu semua selesai, ia menjalani hidupnya kembali seperti anak sekolah biasa. Saat ini Skandar sekolah di City of London School for boys.



Cowo pemeran Edmund Pevensie ini mempunyai phobia terhadap underwear cewe, pad saat dia ultah, ia diberikan hadiah underwer cewe dan mukanya langsung berubah menjadi kaget. Skandar juga sangat suka bermain playstation.

Skandar itu setengah Inggris, seperempat Lebanon, seperdelapan Persia dan Seperdelapan Turki (?). Tetapi saat liburan, Skandar dan keluarganya sering pergi ke Lebanon, karena ibu Skandar berasal dari sana. Sebenarnya nama Skandar diambil dari nama Iskandar.




Skandar Keynes

Nama Lengkap : Skandar Amin Casper Keynes

Nama Panggilan : Skandy

Lahir : London, 5 September 1991

Nama Orang tua : Randak Keynes dan Zelfa Cecil Hourani

Nama Saudara : Soumaya Keynes

Warna Mata : Coklat

Warna Fave : Biru

Musisi Fave : Quenn

Genre Film Fave : Action

Makanan Fave : Pizza

Pelajaran Fave : Sejarah

Hobbi : Bermain cello, gitar, taekwondo.




Zayn Malik


Zayn Malik
Nama Panggilan :Zayn Malik
Jenis Kelamin: Laki-Laki            
Tempat, Tgl Lahir: Lane Baildon, Bradford, Inggris, 12 Januari 1993                    


Zayn Malik lahir di Lane Baildon, Bradford, Inggris pada 12 Januari 1993. Zayn menempuh pendidikan di Tong High School. Dia adalah seorang keturunan Pakistan yang berkeyakinan Islam.

Pada akhir tahun 2010, Zayn dikabarkan menjalin hubungan dengan Geneva Lane, salah satu personil dari Belle Amy. Mereka tertangkap kamera sedang berciuman dan bergandengan tangan saat meninggalkan studio X FACTOR.

Zayn menjalin hubungan dengan Rebecca Ferguson pada bulan Mei 2011, dan meminta publik untuk mengabaikan perbedaan usia mereka yang terpaut hampir 7 tahun. Namun kemudian dikabarkan bahwa hubungannya kedua bintang THE X FACTOR ini kandas pada bulan Juli 2011.


Zayn mengikuti audisi THE X FACTOR. Walaupun dalam proses audisinya memang tidak terlalu menonjol, namun Zayn berhasil lolos. Dari program tersebut, akhirnya Zayn tergabung dalam sebuah boyband Irlandia, One Direction.

Awalnya Zayn dikenal sebagai sosok yang pemalu. Dia sering tidak percaya diri dengan penampilannya dan bersembunyi di belakang panggung saat audisi THE X FACTOR. Karena itu, Zayn tidak begitu dikenal banyak orang.

Namun saat Simon Cowell membujuknya untuk tampil maksimal di atas panggung, ribuan mata pun terpukau akan gayanya. Tak lama kemudian, nama Zayn Malik sudah menjadi perbincangan seru di sebuah situs micro-blogging.


Liam Payne


Name: Liam James Payne
Age: 17
DOB: 29/08/93
Star Sign: Virgo
Home Town: Wolverhampton
Favourite Film: All three of the Toy Story movies
Celeb Crush: Leona Lewis
Man Crush: Michael McIntyre
Bet you didn’t know: He only has one kidney.
Turn-ons: Knee socks, PDAs, giggling, squealing and tattoos.
Turn-offs: Burping, farting, swearing, fake tan and bling.

Liam is a loyal and faithful boyfriend.
On a date he would wear jeans and a T-shirt.
His perfect girl would have to be cheeky but quiet and a bit shy as 
well. He likes happy, smiley girls. He also likes mousy brown haired 
Apparently, he has been grabbed on his crotch a couple of times.
If he sees you cry, he will probably go out with you.
He owns a pain of pink hair straighteners.
He’s the daddy of the group.

Best thing about being a boy? Well, it’s a man’s world!
Best thing about being in One Direction?
There is never a dull moment.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
Kiss Harry!
Favourite aftershave:
Paco Rabanne’s 1 Million.
Favourite grooming product:
Hair wax.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
Bath or shower?
What mobile phone do you have?
I have a Blackberry, but I also have an iPod touch and an iPad.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
I scrunch myself up in the covers.

Moments - 1D

Shut the door
Turn the light off
If I wanna be with you
I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you
I cannot hide this
Even though I try

Heartbeats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands touch skin
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be
My love, my heart is breathing for this
Moment, in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Close the door
Throw the key
Don't wanna be reminded
Don't wanna be seen
Don't wanna be without you
My judgement's clouded
Lights in night sky

Hands are silent
Voice's numb
Try to scream out, my lungs

It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face.

If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be
My love, my heart is breathing for this
Moment, in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Thought you left in my mind
Going back to the time
Playing games in the street
Kicking balls at my feet
There's a numb in my toes
Standing close to the edge
There's a pile of my clothes
At the end of your bed
As I feel myself fall
Make a joke of it all

You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be
My love, my heart is breathing for this
Moment, in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be
My love, my heart is breathing for this
Moment, in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

[. From: .]

Forever Young - One Direction

Let's dance in style,
Let's dance for a while,
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies,
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst,
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever,
We don't have the power but we never say never,
Sitting in a sandpit,
Life is a short trip,
The music's for the sad man.

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young,
Do you really want to live forever,
Forever young.

Some are like water, some are like the heat,
Some are like the melody of some other beat,
But sooner or later they all will be gone,
Why don't they stay young?

It's hard to get old without a cause,
I don't want to perish like a fading horse,
Youth is like diamonds in the sun,
And diamonds are forever.

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young,
Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young (forever),
Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

So many adventures couldn't happen today,
So many songs we forgot to play,
So many dreams are swinging out of the blue,
We'll let'em come true.

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young,
Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young (forever),
Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young (forever),
Do you really want to live forever (forever),
Forever (forever),
Forever young


Another World - 1D

It's not me, It's not you
There's a reason
I'm just trying to read the signals I'm receiving
It's like it's all on fire can you feel it?
I don't know about you girl but I believe that
Words will be just words
Until you bring them to life
I'll lift you up I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Everyday in everyway ohhhh
I'll lift you up I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

One for me, one for you
Whatcha doing?
Girl the music sounds so good when you're moving
Let me take you higher, Let me prove it
Cuz hey, hey pretty girl I believe that
Words will be just words
Until you bring them to life

I'll lift you up I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up I'll never stop

You know I'll take you to another world
Everyday in everyway ohhhh
I'll lift you up I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

Take you to another
You know I'll take you to another world

Baby let me find out all your secrets
Let me in and let me show you that I'll keep it
Close to my heart jump in the deep end
Just let me in and let me show you when I mean it

I'll lift you up I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Everyday in everyway ohhhh
I'll lift you up I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

Take you to another
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up
I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Yeah Take you to another world
I'll lift you up I'll never stop


Everything About You - 1D

You know I've always got your back girl
So let me be the one you can run into, run into, run in
I say this, cause it's a matter of fact girl
You just call my name
I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll get coming

On the other side of the world
It don't matter, I'll there in two, i'll there in two, i'll there in two
I still feel it everytime
It's just something I have to do
Now ask me why I want to

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do do
From the way that we touch baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
The way you make it feel, new, new, new
Like everybody, it's just us too
And there's nothing that could want too
It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do do
It's everything about you

Yes I like the way you smile with your eyes
Other guys see you but they realize that it's my, my loving
There's something about your laugh that it makes me want to have to
There's nothing funny so we laughing, no-no-nothing

Every minute, it's like a last song
Let's just take it real slow
Forget about the clock, that's tick-tick-ticking
I still feel it everytime
It's just something I have to do
Now ask me why I want to

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do do
From the way that we touch baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
The way you make it feel, new, new, new
Like everybody, it's just us too
And there's nothing that could want too
It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do do
It's everything about you

And you have always been the only one I wanted
And I wanted you to know without you I can't face it
All we wanna have is fun
But they say that we're too young
Let them say that they want

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do do
From the way that we touch baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do do
Like everybody, it's just us too
And there's nothing that could want too

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do do
It's everything about you


Same Mistakes - 1D

Circles, we going in circles
Dizzy's all it makes us
We know where it takes us
We've been before

Closer, maybe looking closer
There's more to discover
Find out where we're wrong
Without blaming each other

Think that we got more time,
When we're falling behind
Gotta make up our mind.

Or else we'll play, play, play on the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we'll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes

Wake up, we both need to wake up
Maybe if we face the truth
We can make it through this

Closer, maybe we'll be closer
Stronger than we were before, yeah
Maybe something more, yeah

Think that we got more time,
When we're falling behind

Gotta make up our mind.

Or else we'll play, play, play on the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we'll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes

Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is
When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix
And you pray, pray, pray
That everything will be okay
Why you making all the same mistakes?

Don't look back,
But if we don't look back
We'll all be hurting bad
How are we gonna save this
Same mistakes again

So we play, play, play on the same old games (same old games)
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change (when nothing's gonna change)
And we take, take, take it for granted that we'll be the same (nothing's gonna be the same)
But we're making all the same mistakes

Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is (crazy is)
When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix (there's nothing to fix)
And you pray, pray, pray (oh)
That everything will be okay (everything will be okay)
Why you making all the same mistakes?


Save You Tonight - One Direction

I, I want to save you
Want to save your heart tonight
He'll only break you,
Leave you torn apart, oh

It's a quarter to three,
Can't sleep at all.
It's overrated.
If you told me to jump, I'd take the fall.
You wouldn't take it.

All that you want tonight unfolds (yeah)
You should should open your eyes but they stay closed.

I, I wanna save you,
Wanna save your heart tonight.
He'll only break you,
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman
Before you have me superhuman
I, I want to save you
Save you, save you, tonight

Oh, now you're at home and he don't call.
Cause he don't adore you.
To him you are just another doll,
And I tried to warn you
What you want, what you need has been right here (yeah)
I can see that you're holding back those tears.

I, I wanna save you,
Wanna save your heart tonight.
He'll only break you,
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman
Before you have me superhuman
I, I want to save you
Save you, save you, tonight

Oh, oh, oh I wanna take you with me
Oh, oh, oh and I wanna take you with me

I, I wanna save you,
Wanna save your heart tonight.
He'll only break you,
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman
Before you have me superhuman
I, I want to save you
Save you, save you, tonight

I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight
I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight

Stand Up - One Direction

From the moment I met you
Everything changed
I knew I had to get you
What ever the pain

I had to take you and make you mine
(had to make you mine)

I would walk through the desert
I would walk down the isle
I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile

What ever it takes
It's fine
(what ever it takes its fine)

Oh oh oh ooh oh
So put your hands up
Oh oh oh ooh oh
Cause its a stand up
I won't be leaving till i've finished stealing a piece of your heart
Every piece of your heart

I know your hearts been broken
Don't you give up
I'll be there yeah i know it
To fix you with love
It hurts me to think
That you've never cried

Oh oh oh ooh oh
So put your hands up
Oh oh oh ooh oh
Cause its a stand up
I won't be leaving till i've finished stealing every piece of your heart
Every piece of your heart

Oh oh oh ooh oh
So put your hands up

Oh oh oh ooh oh
Cause its a stand up
I won't be leaving till i've finished stealing every piece of your heart

And now the stealers have come
And we will drive to the stars
I will give you the moon
It's the least i could do
If you give me the chance

Oh oh oh ooh oh
So put your hands up
Oh oh oh ooh oh
Cause its a stand up
I'm a thief im a thief
You can call me a thief
I'm a thief im a thief
But does she know your gone?
I'm a thief im a thief

I'm only here
I'm a thief im a thief
Because you stole my heart
I'm a thief im a thief

So put your hands up
Oh oh ooh im a thief
Oh oh im a thief
Cause its a stand up
I won't be leaving till im finished stealing every piece of your heart
Cause you stole my heart
(together) oh oh oh ooh oh / im a thief
Call me a thief
(together) oh oh oh ooh oh / im a thief
Don't you know your power
(together) oh oh oh ooh / im a thief
I'm only here
(together) oh oh oh ooh / im a thief
Cause you stole my heart

I Wish - 1D

He takes your hand
I die a little
I watch your eyes
And I'm in little
Why can't you look at me like that

When you walk by
I try to say it
But then I freeze
And never do it

My tongue gets tight
The words can't trade

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder
Whenever I'm near you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

He looks at you
The way that I would
Does all the things, I know that I could
If only time, could just turn back
Cause I got three little words
That I've always been dying to tell you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

Feel with my hands on your waist
While we dance in the moonlight
I wish it was me
That you call in your room
Cause you wanna say good night

Cause I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish, that was me

Oh how I wish, that was me

[- From : -]

I Want - One Direction

Give you this, give you that
Blow a kiss, take it back
If I look inside your brain
I would find lots of things
Clothes, shows, diamond rings
Stuff that's driving me insane

You could be preoccupied
Different date, every night
You just got to say the word
You're no into them at all
You just want materials
I should know because i've heard
When girls say...

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, and that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

You've got everything you need
But you want accesories
Got to hold it in your hand
If I change the world for you
I bet you wouldn't have a clue
Don't you know that I can't stand
When girls say...

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, and that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

And now the girls say

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, and that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

Be loved by you
I wanna, I stay true
I wanna, if you knew
What you put me through
But you want, you want, you want me to love you too

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, but that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

Oh, now the girls say

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, and that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you
I want, I want, I want, another girl say
I want, I want, I want, and that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

[. From: .]

Stole My Heart - One Direction

(Waiting for a girl like you)
The light shines
It's getting hot on my shoulders
I don't mind, this time it doesn't matter
Cause your friends,
They look good but you look better
Don't you know all night
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around, round, round

Under the lights tonight
Turned around, and you stole my heart
Just one look, and I saw your face
Fell in love
Take a minute girl,
Steal my heart tonight

Just one look, yeah
I'm waiting for a girl like you

I'm weaker
My worlds fall and they hit the ground
All life come on here
Don't you fail me now
I start to say
I think I love you but I make no sound

Oh cause all all my life ive been waiting for a girl like you to come around

Under the lights tonight
Turned around, and you stole my heart

Just one look, and I saw your face
Fell in love
Take a minute girl, steal my heart tonight

Just one look, yeah
I'm waiting for a girl like you

There is no other place that I would rather be
Right here with you tonight
As we lay on the ground I put my arms around you
And we can stay here tonight
Theres so much I wanna say
I wanna say

Under the lights tonight
Turned around, and you stole my heart
Just one look, and I saw your face
Fell in love
Take a minute girl, steal my heart tonight

Under the lights tonight
Turned around, and you stole my heart
Just one look, and I saw your face
Fell in love
Take a minute girl, steal my heart tonight

Just one look, yeah
I'm waiting for a girl like you

I'm waiting for a girl like you


Taken - 1D

Now that you can't have me
You suddenly want me
Now that i'm with somebody else
You tell me you love me
I slept on your doorstep
Begging for one chance
Now that I finally moved on
You say that you miss all alone

Who do you think you are
Who do you think I am
You only loved to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
You'll be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when i'm taken

You're messing with my head
Girl that's what you do best
Saying there's nothing you won't do
To get me to say it
You're impossible to resist
But I wouldn't bet your heart on it
It's like i'm finally awake
And you're just a beautiful mistake
Who do you think you are
Who do you think I am
You only loved to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
You'll be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when i'm taken

Thank you for showing me
Who you are underneath
Thank you I don't need
Another heartless misery
You think i'm doing this to make you jealous
And I know that you hate to hear this
But this is not about you anymore

Who do you think you are
Who do you think I am
You only loved to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
You'll be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when i'm taken

Now that you can't have me
You suddenly want me

( From: ) 

Tell Me A Lie - 1D

Can't ever get it right
No matter how hard I try
And i've tried
Well, I put up a good fight
But your words cut like knives
And im tired
As you break my heart again this time

Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen, listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you need your distance, distance
Tell me everything but don't you say he's what you're missing baby
If he's the reason that your leaving me tonight
Spare me what you think and
Tell me a lie

Well you're the charming type
That little twinkle in your eye
Gets me every time
And well there must have been a time
I was the reason for that smile
So keep in mind
As you take whats left of you and I
Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen, listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you need your distance, distance
Tell me everything but don't you say he's what you're missing baby
If he's the reason that your leaving me tonight
Spare me what you think and
Tell me a lie

Tell me a lie... Tell me a lie... Tell me a lie...

Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen, listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you need your distance, distance
Tell me everything but don't you say he's what you're missing baby
If he's the reason that your leaving me tonight
Spare me what you think and
Tell me a lie

Tell me a lie... Tell me a lie... Tell me a lie...

Tell me a lie

[| From: |] 

Up All Night - 1D

It feels like we been living in fast-foward
Another moment passing by
The party's ending but it's now or never
Nobody's going home tonight

Katy Perry's on replay,
She's on replay
DJ got the floor to shake
The floor to shake
People going all the way
Yeah, all the way
I'm still wide awake

I wanna stay up all night
And jump around until we see the sun
I wanna stay up all night
And find a girl and tell her she's the one
Hold on to the feeling
And don't let it go
Cause we got the flow now
Get out of control
I wanna stay up all night
And do it all with you

Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night

Don't even care about the table breaking
We only wanna have a laugh
I'm only thinking 'bout this girl I'm seeing
I hope she wanna kiss me back

Katy Perry's on replay,
She's on replay
DJ got the floor to shake
The floor to shake
People going all the way
Yeah, all the way
I'm still wide awake
I wanna stay up all night
And jump around until we see the sun
I wanna stay up all night
And find a girl and tell her she's the one
Hold on to the feeling
And don't let it go
Cause we got the flow now
Get out of control
I wanna stay up all night
And do it all with you

Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night

Katy Perry's on replay,
She's on replay
(We're gonna want to stay up all night)
DJ got the floor to shake
The floor to shake
(We're gonna want to stay up all night)
Up all night, up all night
(We're gonna want to stay up all night)

I wanna stay up all night
And jump around until we see the sun
I wanna stay up all night
And find a girl and tell her she's the one
Hold on to the feeling
And don't let it go
Cause we got the flow now
Get out of control
I wanna stay up all night
And do it all with you

Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night

[ From : ] 


The World Will Know How Much I Love You

You are a person where everybody should dream of, a person everybody should want as a sister, colleague, friend or girlfriend
You bring so much good to me and people around you, you give strength when they need it, you give a pep-up speech to people that don't see good things happen anymore
You're a friend you can tell everything to, can have fun with and have good moments
You were a girlfriend I wanted to kiss every time I could, sleep with every night, hold you tight always, make love at the right times, going on travels with you and grow old with you but you just are a girl I loved to love
You're a person that gave me special feelings like nobody never can do again, that I trusted with all my secrets and me, you are that special someone everyone searches for in their lives
You're sweet, kind, classy, pretty, beautiful, funny, romantic, crazy, smart, wonderful and you were all mine
You're a wonderful person to be with night and day, 24/7, 365 days a year, I envy the person that will have you in the future
Every time I told you something sweet I really meant it and I hope you know it and you know that everybody can say the same things as I did, no believe them as long as you don't feel something in your heart
I just wanted the world to know how much I love you, I could tell you that if I could change the alphabet I would put U and I together, but I never said those things, I hope I did enough effort for you with writing those poems and I hope you liked them all
The most beautiful about you is not the fact that I could kiss you if I was able to, but the most beautiful was that you let me love you and that you loved me
Now the world knows how special you are
But one thing...
You are the world to me...

Now you know how much I loved you.

I'm going to miss you

I'm going to miss you, every single word you said and every smile you ever showed me, I'm going to miss them
I still wish that we didn't end up this way but we did and I feel bad about it, because I used to hope we would have a future together, but no, we don't.

I used to believe that what we had was special, so special that only you and I could feel it, that other people would never have it and that we would be together forever but I was wrong, we were wrong

We had a lot of  'first-times' together and I'm glad they were with you, but still it eats a little in my head, because I wanted you to be the only one for all time, live my life with you and one day die with you, but I can only say that it was a silly dream, my dreams never come true

I wish you happiness too and a wonderful life, and I'm sorry it had to end this way, I can tell you about the problems I had last week and why I didn't post or send a text back but it would make me sad to say all things that happen lately so I'm not going to tell them and just so you know, I started studying Chinese, so I'll stay far away from you

Everything we've been through, all things we've shared, the ring and the letter, the long nights and all the good and bad stories, the imaginations and dreams, I'll keep them and remember you always, I remember what you meant for me and what love can be when you are with the right person, you know that I'll miss you and that you will always have a special place in my heart, I hope it will be the same for you

But does it mean that it is the end, I don't know, life is a mystery and so was our story and even tough you gave me a cold goodbye I still want to end it with..

Save Me

I wanted to save you from all pain in the world, I wanted to protect you from all the pain that other people could bring you and I just wanted to give you a very good life, It is what you deserve after all the good things you have done for me and because of that I love you and I wanted to be the best for you, but the best was not enough even tough I tried it so hard

I promised that I would always look out for you, that I would care for you and trust you in every way, I wanted to give you what everybody wants to have, I wanted to give you protection, happiness, a listening ear, fun, smiles and most of all love

The life we had for a while was like a movie, it was a beautiful fairytale, something like Shrek
A beautiful princess in a castle far far away waiting to be rescued by a prince but she got saved by someone she didn't expect, the only difference is that they are together after all

In the end of every movie, the hero get's the girl... I can't be that hero, I don't save anyone even tough I rescued multiple persons already, I saved them..

Who will save me?

I miss you BUT I hate you

I miss you and I miss all we've been together,
I miss all the times we could talk and have fun,
smile with little jokes and telling new stories,
I miss it all......................

but i know YOU don't need me anymore.

When i just can say nothing

Just arrived. Entahlah, tiba-tiba jadi pengen posting.

Mereka tak tau dan tak akan pernah tau rasanya menjadi diriku. Aku rela menahan semua pikiran negatifku selama ini. Dan sekarang, mereka memihak kepadanya dengan hanya melihat satu sisi. Seolah aku yang selalu salah dan dia selalu benar. Seolah aku yang terlalu jahat dan dia yang selama ini terus bersabar.
Apalagi sekarang? Kurang puaskah?

Pengen nangis rasanya......................................................................................................................................


Titik Jenuh

Mungkin ini ya yang dinamakan titik jenuh. Titik yang membuatmu merasakan kejenuhan yang paling dalam. Titik dimana kamu tidak berkeinginan untuk melakukan apapun. Titik dimana kamu benar-benar menjadi seperti 'titik'.

Entahlah, sekarang aku benar-benar merasa berada di titik jenuh. Aku tidak ingin melakukan apapun, semua fikiran ku negatif (dalam artian yang baik ya-_-), tidak ada dorongan sedikitpun untuk mencoba berfikir positif dan bangkit dari kejenuhan ini.

Kali ini aku serius, aku bosan dengan semua ini. Aku terlalu lelah dan lemah untuk tetap bertahan. Bahkan, ulangan dan acara pengukuhan yang terjadwal penuh esok hari, tak memberikanku sedikit pun dorongan untuk melihat kedepan. Fikiran dan hatiku seakan tertutup kain hitam yang padat bahannya. Aku tak tau apa yang akan dan harus aku lakukan sekarang. Inginku menangis, tapi apadaya, air mata ku enggan mengalir. Inginku berteriak, tetapi semuanya akan sia-sia. Inginku curahkan semuanya, tapi kepada siapa? Hanya aku yang tau persis apa yang aku rasakan sekarang. Sekarang aku hanya bisa mengadu kepada Allah. Dan berdoa.

Semoga saja.............semua ini akan indah pada waktunya :)




One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

You're insecure
Don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need make up
To cover up
Being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh Oh
You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
That what makes you beautiful

So c-come on
You got it wrong
To prove I'm right I put it in a song
I don't know why
You're being shy
And turn away when I look into your eyes

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful

Nana Nana Nana Nana
Nana Nana Nana Nana
Nana Nana Nana Nana

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh Oh
You don't know you're beautiful

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
Oh Oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful

One Direction What Makes You Beautiful lyrics found on

One Direction - Gotta Be You

Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed
'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart
I tore it apart
And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence
And no woman in the world deserves this
But here I am, asking you for one more chance

Can we fall, one more time?
Stop the tape and rewind
Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade
'Cause there is nobody else

It's gotta be you
Only you
It's got to be you
Oh, Only you

Now girl I hear it in your voice and how it trembles
When you speak to me I don't resemble, who I was
You've almost had enough
And your actions speak louder than words
And you're about to break from all you've heard
Don't be scared, I ain't going no where

I'll be here, by your side
No more fears, no more crying

But if you walk away
I know I'll fade
'Cause there is nobody else

[All, Harry leading voice]
It's gotta be you
Only you
It's got to be you
Oh, Only you

Oh girl, can we try one more, one more time?
One more, one more, can we try?
One more, one more time
I'll make it better
[All, Zayn leading voice]
One more, one more, can we try?
One more, one more,
Can we try one more time to make it all better?

[All, Harry leading voice]
'Cause it's gotta be you
Its gotta be you
Only you
Oh, Only you

It's gotta be you
Only you
It's got to be you
Oh, Only you

One Direction Gotta Be You lyrics found on

One Thing - One Direction

I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can't ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

Something's gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

Now I'm climbing the walls
But you don't notice at all
That I'm going out of my mind
All day and all night

Somethings' gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

Woah (Clapping)

You've got that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

Copied from 


7 Hal yang Perlu Diketahui Tentang iPad 2

Perangkat yang mempelopori booming tablet hadir dalam versi baru. iPad 2, demikian namanya, menghadirkan berbagai penambahan fitur dan juga perubahan dari sisi desain. Berikut 7 Hal yang Perlu Diketahui Tentang iPad 2, yaitu :

1. iPad Punya Fitur FaceTime dan Aksesoris Smart Cover
iPad 2 memiliki fasilitas FaceTime untuk video chat. Aplikasi pihak ketiga seperti Skype juga bisa dipakai. Ada pula aksesoris menarik bernama Smart Cover. Ini semacam pelindung layar berwarna warni. Saat pelapis Smart Cover ditutup, iPad dapat terkunci secara otomatis. Smart Cover juga bisa dilipat untuk dijadikan stand.
2. Kemampuan Baterai dan Layar iPad 2 Tidak Berubah
Meski bodinya melangsing secara signifikan, ternyata daya tahan baterai iPad 2 tidak berubah dari versi pertama, yakni di kisaran 10 jam. Demikian juga layarnya, setali tiga uang dengan versi pertama baik soal ukuran maupun dalam hal resolusi layar.

3. Prosesor iPad 2 Berbasis ARM Cortex A9
Prosesor baru iPad 2 sudah dual core dan disebut sebagai A5. Ia berbasis desain ARM Cortex A9. Prosesor dua otak itu bakal membuat proses load aplikasi lebih cepat dan tugas-tugas komputasi lain dijanjikan kian ngebut.

4. Grafis iPad 2 Diklaim Mumpuni
Menurut Steve Jobs, kapabilitas grafis di iPad 2 diklaim 9 kali lebih cepat dari versi iPad pertama. Tentu saja kemampuan ini, jika benar, akan memanjakan para pecinta game.

5. Sistem Operasi iPad 2 adalah iOS 4.3
iPad 2 dibekali sistem operasi terkini dari Apple, yakni iOS 4.3. Beberapa peningkatan dibawanya seperti browser Safari yang lebih cepat dan fitur iTunes Home Sharing.

6. iPad 2 Punya HDMI Out
Meski masih membutuhkan konektor tambahan yang harus dibeli terpisah, iPad punya fasilitas HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) untuk menghubungkannya ke perangkat televisi dan berbagi konten dengannya.

7. iPad 2 akan Menghadapi Lawan Berat
Press rilis Apple terkesan pongah, "Sementara yang lain berebut meniru generasi iPad pertama, kami merilis iPad 2 yang jauh menaikkan batas dari kompetisi,". Ini kurang tepat, karena para pesaing di ranah tablet Android seperti Xoom dan Galaxy Tab 10,1 punya fitur yang sepadan bahkan di beberapa sisi mengungguli iPad 2.

The Next Disney Princess REVEALED!

Have you heard about the latest Disney Princess?

Princess Sophia the First is set to debut in late 2012 with her own animated movie, followed by an animated TV series in 2013.  She looks to be aimed at the younger set (possibly a Disney version of Dora?).

Sophia won't be (at this time, at least) joining the "official" Disney Princess line-up alongside favorites such as Ariel, Belle, and Cinderella (see what I just did there?  A, B, C!).  At the same time, some of Disney's royalty such as Cindy herself will be visiting Sophia at various points during the series.  Sophia will also attend a school where the headmistresses are none other than SLEEPING BEAUTY's Fauna, Flora and Merryweather!

Want to know even more tidbits?  Check out the entire article where I pulled this information from!

(And can I say, I love that Broadway alum Sara Ramirez has a role?  I'm hoping this means there will be SONGS.  Because, um, Sara Ramirez won a Tony Award for her role as Lady of the Lake in SPAMALOT and needs to sing more songs for us!)
Posted by A Backwards Story at 9:04 AM
Labels: Disney, movie news, TV series

If This Was A Movie - Taylor Swift

Last night I heard my own heart beating
Sounded like footsteps on my stairs
Six months gone and I'm still reaching
Even though I know you're not there
I was playing back a thousand memories, baby
Thinking 'bout everything we've been through
Maybe I've been going back too much lately
When time stood still and I had you

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside 'til I came out
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

I know people change and these things happen
But I remember how it was back then
Wrapped up in your arms and our friends were laughing
'Cause nothing like this ever happened to them,
Now I'm pacing down the hall, chasing down your street
Flashback to the night when you said to me,
"Nothing's gonna change, not for me and you
Not before I knew how much I had to lose"

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside 'til I came out
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

If you're out there
If you're somewhere
If you're moving on
I've been waiting for you
Wary since you've been gone
I just want it back the way it was before
And I just wanna see you back at my front door
And I say

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would before you said it's not that easy
Before the fight, before I locked you out
But I take it all back now
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside 'til I came out
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

You'd be here by now
It's not the kind of ending you wanna see now
Baby, what about the ending
Oh, I thought you'd be here by now, whoa
Thought you'd be here by now

Back To December - Taylor Swift

I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life? Tell me, how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while

You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up, and I know why

Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses, and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time

These days, I haven't been sleeping
Staying up, playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed, and I didn't call

Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side
And realized I loved you in the fall

And then the cold came, the dark days
When fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbye
[ From:]

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry

Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right

I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

This is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time, all the time

Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen

I threw a wish in the well,
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell,
and now you're in my way

I trade my soul for a wish,
pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this,
but now you're in my way

Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?


Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
at you baby,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
try to chase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

[Verse 2]

You took your time with the call,
I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all,
but still, you're in my way

I beg, and borrow and steal
Have foresight and it's real
I didn't know I would feel it,
but it's in my way

Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?

[ From: ]
Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
at you baby,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
try to chase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that
I missed you so, so bad

It's hard to look right,
at you baby,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
try to chase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so so bad

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that

So call me, maybe?

Michael Buble - Everything

You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.

And you play it coy, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.
[ Lyrics from: ]
And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
'Cause you're my everything.
Yeah, yeah

So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La

More lyrics:
Tiny Finger Point Hand With Heart