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Education = Future |
Our future depends on education. Don't even get me started! I'll go on about it all day. Trust me. Just get plenty of education. Don't ever stop. Learning goes on and on. There are more books than time. Pay attention, and get an education.
In the future you will see that the choice of learning opportunities will be embedded in other activities just like players learn in the course of a game, for example.
How are you going to certify your knowledge in the near future?
Education is a continuous and creative process. Its aim is to develop the capacities latent in human nature. Education is determinant of overall development in emerging knowledge day by day. Education holds the key to economic growth, social transformation, modernisation, integration and it is the ultimate investment in present and future.
Education has an essential effect of the imparting type of culture from generation to generation which continues throughout the life of human being. With the rise of choices, career has become even tougher day by day. Greater choices and competitions have created even more difficulties for the candidates to reach their prospective goals. The loads of expectations from parents and the pressure being placed on young children make them even more confused.
Choosing the right career path is perhaps the toughest decision that every student needs to take. Bright future requires good quality of education. Keeping in mind the need of society and the challenges faced by different professions, educational programmes are constantly being an upgraded in all fields of specialisation.
Teachers need the ability to understand a subject well enough to convey its essence to a new generation of student. Parental involvement is an important element in a child’s education. They need to share their career expertise with their children and academic achievement and parental involvement are strongly linked with parents.
Good counseling helps the candidate to determine problems they are facing and what they need to solve them and how they can acquire the tools needed to do so. Correct guidance in the respected field which the candidates want to choose make easier for candidate to reach its goal. Every institutions is putting a great effort of emphasis on their courses to emphasis on the future goals, skills, etc. Now it is very important for every student to choose the right path of education to reach their ultimate goal.
Transform education is a means towards a better life. Education becomes one's standard of social stratification. People who are educated will get the honor (prestice of life) in the public eye, although the offspring are not endowed with God in the form ofabundant wealth. As a result, nobody paid in droves mengeyam highest education. In view of the world kept going in the era of globalization, the era of global competition,and Indonesia is the part that took part in it.
Conclusion :
Pendidikan adalah sarana mentransformasi kehidupan ke arah lebih baik. Pendidikan pun menjadi standar stratifikasi sosial seseorang. Orang yang berpendidikan akan mendapatkan penghormatan (prestice of life) di mata publik, meski dari keturunan yang tidak dikarunia Tuhan berupa kekayaan berlimpah. Akibatnya, orangpun berbondong-bondong mengeyam pendidikan setinggi-tingginya. Mengingat dunia terus melaju pada era globalisasi, era persaingan global, dan Indonesia merupakan bagian yang ikut andil di dalamnya.
Well, get an education and find out :D
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